#MugshotOfTheDay: Perp's Proportionality Problem

Charles Dion McDowell - Courtesy of Escambia County Sheriff's Office

(Charles Dion McDowell - Courtesy of Escambia County Sheriff's Office)

Did he do some sort of exercise for that neck?

Because all of us go to the gym and none of us have ever done or seen a workout that would result in a neck like that.

I'd say that maybe his head is just super duper small, but you can see his shoulders, and his head looks pretty proportional to them.  

Anyways... Charles Dion McDowell was arrested in Florida this week on all sorts of drug charges related to possessing and intending to sell meth and weed.

The Escambia County Sheriff's Office has a pretty good sense of humor, so they posted his mugshot and list of charges on their Facebook page.

But, it was their followers that really blessed us...

“You should be ashamed of yourselves, all this neckativity isn’t right at all” -Ramon Ross

“His neck is still at LARGE!!!” -Barry Jacobs

And then there's my favorite...

“That boy got a chest tattoo on his neck … ” -Carlos Levario

Read the full story at Fox St. Louis

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