Jackie & Shadow are shown protecting their eggs in their nest in Big Bear. Photo courtesy FOBBY https://friendsofbigbearvalley.org/Photo: https://friendsofbigbearvalley.org/
For over a month, the gorgeous Big Bear eagles, Jackie and Shadow have been lovingly incubating and protecting their two eggs, waiting for them to hatch, high up in their nest in the San Bernardino National Forest.
Thousands of people have been anxiously checking their live camera on YouTube especially throughout the snowy weekend, hoping to catch a glimpse of an egg cracking and a little eaglet poking it's head out.
But so far, no little eaglet, and earlier this week the wonderful people at Friends of Big Bear Valley confirmed the sad news that the eggs will likely not hatch. They aren't sure what has prevented the eggs from hatching, but it's been more than 40 days and eagle eggs usually hatch in about 35 days.
Sandy Steers, Executive Director of Friends of Big Bear Valley said the recent storms were likely not to blame as Jackie and Shadow were well equipped to protect the eggs and keep them warm despite the temperature and snow.
Check out the Friends of Big Bear Valley website and the Live Eagle Camera! You can also follow them on TikTok.
Friends of Big Bear Valley, is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, you can donate to their efforts HERE.