- White male
- Over 25-years-old
- Lives alone
- Defined as "unsheltered" since he sleeps in an area not meant for human habitation ( The concrete, a park, the river bed, bus stops, abandoned buildings, a car)
He doesn't have a child because he is a single-adult household, just like most of OC's homeless people. He has a 1 in 10 chance of being a military veteran.
Like 91% of the homeless people willing to answer questions about chronic substance abuse, he'll say that drugs or alcohol don't pose a problem for him. There's also a 12% chance that he suffers from mental illness.
Nearly 1/3 of those surveyed have been incarcerated in the last 12 months before the Point in Time count and survey was taken.
8% of those surveyed who had been incarcerated said they benefited from Prop 47. Click here to read more about the survey and its findings at the OC Register.