The John Kobylt Show

The John Kobylt Show

Listen to John Kobylt Weekdays from 1 PM - 4 PM on KFI AM 640!Full Bio


Leaving your water bottle in the car might start a fire

An Idaho Power Company worker discovered something kind of scary recently, he was on his lunch break when he saw smoke coming from inside his truck:

“I looked over and noticed light was being refracted through a water bottle and starting to catch the seat on fire."

Dioni Amuchastegui discovered that the water bottle he left in his car had acted like a magnifying glass and created a hot focused beam of light that burned the inside of his car.

A fire department said sunlight magnified through a bottle of water can reach up to 250 degrees. So be mindful next time you get out of your car, make sure you take your bottles with you!

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