A New Mexico man seeing Metallica in Phoenix last Friday night was arrested after police say he peed on a family of three that was sitting in front of him.
One of the victims is only 10-years-old.
Daniel Daddio was behind the family at the concert when they felt warm liquid splashing all over their back and legs. When they turned around, they saw Daddio peeing on them.
One of the victims confronted Daddio, but Daddio just shrugged like it was no big deal. He was reported to stadium employees and they reported it to the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
The DPS says Daddio was very drunk when he was arrested, and he denied even doing the urinating.
He made his first court appearance over the weekend. The judge said:
"I have to say in the 15 years I've been on the bench, this is one of the most disgusting scenarios I've ever read.. in any event, really inappropriate."
Daddio was released from jail, but he faces charges of disorderly conduct and indecent exposure.