Kevin de León's SB 54 is a very dangerous bill. He calls it the "California Values Act," which is a shady and twisted name for a bill that would prioritize illegal alien criminals over law abiding, taxpaying Californians.
SB 54 would prohibit local and state law enforcement from using their resources to detain, interrogate, investigate, detect, or arrest people for immigration purposes.
It will make ICE's job incredibly hard to do because police agencies won't be allowed to give information to them. The bill protects criminals, how sick is that?
Many Sheriffs in California understand how bad SB 54 is, but Kevin de León is painting ICE as a thug-like deportation force that intentionally rips families apart.
He also thinks that SB 54 will actually make California safer. He argues that immigrants are afraid to report crime because they don't want to be deported themselves:
“Crimes are not being reported, and criminals remain free to claim more victims. Our communities are becoming less – not more – safe.”
That is such a stupid argument. Why does a United States federal agency have to give in to demands from people who are breaking the law?
Don't forget, Kevin de León himself is an advocate of breaking the law. He admitted that his family stole citizens' identities to live in the United States. He's okay with protecting criminals, all while you foot the bill!
What's the point of having laws if they're not enforced? If you're here illegally, you don't get to dictate what the laws are.
There is some hope, though. There's federal legislation, House Resolution 3003, the "No Sanctuary For Criminals Act," which passed in June. That requires state and local cooperation with federal immigration enforcement, and it would also take away certain grant funds from cities and counties that don't comply.
Whatever happens, SB 54 shows you what California leaders' values are. They don't care about you at all.