In San Francisco, a woman's life is hanging in the balance after she was struck and trapped beneath an autonomous vehicle. This incident unfolded on Monday night when emergency responders discovered the woman pinned under the left rear of the Cruise vehicle, which conspicuously lacked a human driver at the helm, as conveyed by San Francisco Fire Captain Justin Shore.
The woman was promptly transported to a nearby hospital and, as of Tuesday, was reported to be in critical condition, according to San Francisco Police Officer Robert Rueca.
As for the circumstances leading to this harrowing event, Captain Shore states that they remain shrouded in mystery. He explains, "Rescuers did not have any drivers or any passengers to ask about the nature of the injuries, or how the victim came to be beneath the vehicle," he says.
However, Cruise has released a statement on Tuesday suggesting that another vehicle had collided with the woman.
Their statement reads, "At approximately 9:30 pm on October 2, a human-driven vehicle struck a pedestrian while traveling in the lane immediately to the left of a Cruise AV," the statement reads. "The initial impact was severe and launched the pedestrian directly in front of the AV."
Officer Rueca has confirmed that a police investigation into the accident is currently underway.