Later, with Mo'Kelly

Later, with Mo'Kelly

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Later, with Mo'Kelly: PETA Offers to Pay for Wienermobile Repair

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile at University of Oregon

Photo: Getty Images

Officials from PETA have volunteered to assist with repairs and upkeep of the famous vehicle after learning that thieves stole the catalytic converter from the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile — provided Oscar Mayer officials do something for them in return. PETA offers to pay for the new component and a year's worth of maintenance on the hot dog-shaped vehicle in a letter to Kraft Heinz President Carlos Abrams-Rivera. But, Oscar Mayer must consent to converting the Wienermobile into a Veganmobile in order to accept the animal rights organization's offer.

“PETA is willing to cover the cost of the replacement part and the maintenance of the vehicle for one year if you convert it into a Not Dogmobile or something similar," the letter reads.
"With the rising demand for vegan hot dogs, now is the perfect time to put the brakes on an old idea and make a shift."

Oscar Mayer has not confirmed whether or not they will consider or accept the proposal.

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