ICYMI: The Mo’Kelly Show Presents – Donald Trump opening his mouth and inserting his foot discussing Stormy Daniels, his comparison of the Korean DMZ to the Mexican border AND the ten worst cereals EVER!!!
PLUS - Author Dahlia Schweitzer joins the program to introduce her new book: “Going Viral - Zombies, Viruses, and the End of the World.”
(Photo Courtesy – Tawala Sharp)
Schweitzer is a pop culture critic and writer described as “one of the world’s leading analysts of popular culture.” Schweitzer writes about film, television, music, gender, identity, and everything in between.
(Video Courtesy – YouTube)
In her latest book, “Going Viral: Zombies, Viruses, and the End of the World”; Schweitzer probes zombie outbreak narratives in film, television, and a variety of other media, putting them in conversation with rhetoric from government authorities and news organizations that have capitalized on public fears about our changing world.
To learn more about Dahlia Schweitzer visit – thisisdahlia.com
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