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Legal experts don't know what to do with this serial horse molester

Sterling Rachwal - Brown County Jail

(Sterling Rachwal - Brown County Jail)

54-year-old Sterling Rachwal has been in and out of the Wisconsin court system for the last 35 years over allegations that he sexually molests horses.

This guy has done everything when it comes to the justice system. He's been convicted, found guilty by reason of mental disease, gone to prison, gone to mental hospitals, had his charges dropped, pleaded no contest, and has had convictions overturned on appeal.

Horse owners all over Wisconsin knew about this creep and started naming him last February, when one owner reported on Facebook that her horse had been molested and was bleeding from the anus.

Investigators were able to build their case against Rachwal by comparing his alibis against video camera evidence and put a GPS on his car, leading them to find him at barns around the Manitowoc-Brown county border.

They set up cameras in the barns there and caught him on video molesting horses. Today Rachwal was sentenced to serve two years on probation for one of his sexual offenses.

Melissa Tedrowe, Wisconsin state director of state affairs for The Humane Society of the United States, told USA Today:

"This is an individual who has been in and out of the criminal justice system on charges of animal sexual abuse as far back as the 1980s. His recidivism strongly highlights weaknesses and loopholes in Wisconsin’s current bestiality law.”

What's the deal? Why does this guy keep getting out?

Click here to read more about the criminal history of this creep at USA Today...if you can stomach it.

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