The John Kobylt Show

The John Kobylt Show

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Nasty Airline Report: Feces, urine, and a foul odor

Flying isn't fun, it's a real pain in the butt. But we usually get through them relatively unscathed, and we don't have to deal with the horror stories we always hear about.

So if your last flight was good, count your blessings. Here are three nasty stories from some foul flights.

The first one involves a United flight that from Chicago to Hong Kong that had to be redirected to Alaska because a passenger smeared feces all over the place. He decorated a couple of the plane's bathrooms with his poop and also took of his shirt and shoved it in a toilet. 

He ended up cooperating with the flight crew and was taken by FBI agents for a psych evaluation when the plane landed.

The second nasty airline story comes from a Spirit Airlines flight, where 58-year-old Dante Bencivenga drank too much and peed all over the place in one of the bathrooms. He was asked to disembark from the plane, but he became "belligerent" and started cursing. He ended up getting booked into Lee County, Florida.

As you can see by his mug shot, the guy looked pretty drunk:

(Dante Bencivenga - Lee County Sheriff’s Office)

(Dante Bencivenga - Lee County Sheriff’s Office)

Our final gross airline story comes courtesy of a JetBlue flight leaving Boston for the Dominican Republic. The flight left early Saturday evening, but had to return after passengers and crew became "unwell" and smelled an "unusual odor" in the plane.

Medical personnel met the flight after it landed back in Boston, but no one was taken to a hospital. A couple of passengers were checked out for sickness at the gate.

Happy travels, everyone!

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