The John Kobylt Show

The John Kobylt Show

Listen to John Kobylt Weekdays from 1 PM - 4 PM on KFI AM 640!Full Bio


Gas tax hike will take effect Nov. 1st

The massive gas tax that got jammed down our throats in April will go into effect next week on November 1st.

You can expect to see the price of gas go up by 12 cents per gallon, which is disgusting because we already pay some of the highest fuel taxes in the country.

This tax is really going to screw everyone who depends on commuting everyday, but the Legislature and Caltrans have twisted this issue into being about fixing the roads. Caltrans spokesperson Matt Rocco told KCRA:

“It’s a real game changer for the state. We’re looking at $54 billion in transportation improvements across the state. We’re also improving 500 bridges and 7,700 traffic congestion relieving devices like ramp meters."

Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, said:

"We’ve heard this same promise four times before. We’ve seen the polling on the gas tax. It is extremely unpopular. And we believe any effort to repeal it will be successful.”

We have to repeal this tax and we have to recall Josh Newman to end the democratic supermajority. If that doesn't happen this state will continue to crumble because our leaders waste our tax money.

Click here for more at KCRA.

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