Home with Dean Sharp

Home with Dean Sharp

Listen to Home with Dean Sharp on Saturdays from 6 AM to 8 AM and Sundays from 9 AM to 12 PM on KFI AM 640!Full Bio


Wallpaper's Comeback!

I know what you're thinking. There's no way wallpaper design is back.

Most generations grew up with a tacky design that was constantly falling off.

Don't worry though, that design and version of wallpaper isn't what's making a new comeback.

It's a new and improved version and it's great.

Let's give a round of applause to the Millennials because they're the generation bringing it back!

Wallpaper is a conversation piece, it's not a hard commitment. If you're renting it gives you a chance to still decorate your walls without altering the home too much.

Dean even used wallpaper in the new remodeled version of his own HOME and it looks amazing!

Today’s papers are vastly different from the old school. The prints are dramatically oversized and fantastically whimsical, with characters that feel pulled from a storybook and patterns right from the runway. The colors are richer. The fabrics are textured and sometimes three-dimensional and the images have a lifelike sharpness thanks to advances in digital printing.

Think about it.. you've seen wallpaper everywhere. Hotels, restaurants, bars, movie theaters and so much more. Even the KFI studio is filled with beautiful wallpaper.

Now that we've sold you on wallpaper. It's important to decide what type of wallpaper you want.


Non-woven substrate paper- dry-strips easily from the wall.

Pre-pasted paper- water-activated adhesive backing

Design Type

Straight - pattern runs the width of the paper and across the seam onto the next strip

Random - continue seamlessly no matter what

Drop - must be aligned horizontally and vertically on either side, as the pattern is slightly offset from strip to strip.

Okay you got your wallpaper and design.

Now it's time to put it up.

Steps To Putting Up Wallpaper

  1. Pastes and Booking - Pre-pasted wallpapers usually need to be “booked,” which means wetting the paper and letting it sit, usually for about 10 minutes, while the glue activates
  2. Repeats and Waste- Repeats are the number of inches a pattern stretches vertically until it repeats itself. Generally, the lower the repeat, the lower the waste
  3. Calculating Coverage- This gets tricky when you take windows and doors into account. Use an online calculator or ask Home Depot or Lowes for help.
  4. Upkeep- Wallpapers are surprisingly durable. “Scrubbable” papers can be cleaned with a sponge and detergent. “Washable” papers can be gently cleaned or wiped with a damp clot.

For installation there are certain tools you'll need.

Tools Before You Start

Flat 65’ table

Utility knife (razor blades)

Large putty knife or wall paper blade

Roll soaking tray (bath tub) or paste roller

Sponge for wiping down surface

Laser level demo

Booking - to allow adhesive activation and paper expansion - up to ¼” in some papers

Corners are the only seam overlaps

Tools To Remove

Scoring tool

Adhesive solvent


We hope this helps! For more information and tips, listen to the show below:

Don't forget "HOME with Dean" is now live on Saturdays from 6am-8am AND Sundays 9am-11am.

As always, you can follow Dean Sharp, the House Whisperer, on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @HomeWithDean.

Missed the show? Don't worry you can podcast Home With Dean on the iHeart Radio app here.

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