Every Friday we bring you the stories that have slipped through the cracks and we dubbed them the Nine News Nuggets You Need To Know. Here's what we found:
Honorable Mention: Rare Pink Diamond Expected to Fetch $35 Million at Auction
9 - Amateur Gold Digger Finds Expensive 10LB Gold Nugget
8 - Teen Kicked Out of Pokemon Tournament For Laughing When Asked His Pronouns
7 - Colleges in China Give Students a Week Off to 'Fall in Love'
6 - 'I Gave My Goat to the State Fair and They Barbequed It'
5 - 'Living Their Best Life.' Animal Center Finds Goat, Dog Duo a Forever Home in North Carolina
4 - Four Men with Guns Rob Armored Vehicle at a Drive-Thru, Police Say
3 - Tomato Plants ‘Scream’ When You Cut Their Stems
2 - Woman Charged with Felony for Stealing $11 Worth of Bacon
1 - Rescue Underway for Pod of Dolphins Trapped in Dildo Cove