Bill Handel

Bill Handel

Listen to Bill Handel Weekdays from 6 to 9AM on KFI AM 640! Full Bio


New California Law Bans Some Popular Treats

Say goodbye to some of your favorite treats, but not right now.

California Governor Gavin Newson has approved a bill that would prohibit the use of certain additives in popular candies and processed foods. This first-of-its-kind law will prevent the production, sale, and distribution of goods containing red dye No. 3, potassium bromate, brominated vegetable oil, and propylparaben.

It affects some of our favorite treats, such as:

  • Peeps
  • Hostess Ding Dongs
  • Betty Crocker Fruit by the Foot
  • Dubble Bubble chewing gum
  • Brach’s Candy Corn
  • Jelly Belly candy
  • PediaSure Grow & Gain Kids’ Ready-to-Drink strawberry shake
  • Yoo-hoo Strawberry Drink

While some of our most beloved treats may be affected, the bill will not eliminate them entirely from store shelves. Instead, manufacturers will be required to modify their formulas.

The new law won't take effect until 2027. Red dye No. 3 was banned by the FDA in 1990 for use in cosmetics due to its link to cancer in animals.

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