Photo: Nikolas_jkd / iStock / Getty Images
Andy Elliot, an Arizona salesman has been dragged all over the web, after sparking controversially claiming that he won’t hire anyone who doesn’t have six-pack abs, a video that has been reaching tons of views on an Instagram post.
“If you get hired on in our company, you got a certain amount of time to get your body in shape or it just shows me you don’t care,” Elliott said. “I mean, I’ve got one [a six-pack], 90% of my team has one. And you know, if I say, ‘Get a six-pack,’ my team understands what I mean.”
He added, “I can just grab any of my people and before a meeting, I can say, ‘All right, shirt’s off, look around. Who’s the most disciplined one in the room?'”
He added, “I can just grab any of my people and before a meeting, I can say, ‘All right, shirt’s off, look around. Who’s the most disciplined one in the room?'”
The salesman claimed that having [rock-hard] abdominals are essential to staying on his sales [group].
“My entire company, my entire team, if you don’t have a six-pack, you don’t work for us.”
According to Elliot, he isn't worried about his theory and what others think of his actions.
Regardless of the moral complications, the company still runs a legal company.
“It’s not that we don’t hire anybody with a six-pack,” he spoke to The Post.
“We just have a standard that says if you’re gonna be a mentor to others in our company you’re gonna be your standard.”
“Physical, mental business, if you’re not physically fit, you’re mentally not gonna be tough. The people that we coach in our program, 90% of them, they reach out and they don’t believe in themselves anymore. So I’m not gonna let one of my coaches try to convince somebody else to believe in themselves who’s not doing the work themselves.”