Photo: Jake Wyman / The Image Bank / Getty Images
When it comes to Americans’ a big chunk of them have a belief of angels whether in their minds or in physical form by surrounding themselves with angel figurines or decor. As many believe in reincarnation, and that physical things can have spiritual energies after life. A study conducted and poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, stated that about 7 in 10 U.S. adults say they believe in angels.
People tend to find a connection to angels for comfort and it's shown that the connection between people has to do with the power of pop culture and or media.
American’s belief in angels (69%) is about on par with belief in heaven and the power of prayer, but bested by belief in God or a higher power (79%). Fewer U.S. adults believe in the devil or Satan (56%), astrology (34%), reincarnation (34%), and that physical things can have spiritual energies, such as plants, rivers or crystals (42%).