Bill Handel

Bill Handel

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Florida Man Punches Friend Over Poor Golf Etiquette

Two men got into it on the green at the golf course at The Villages in Florida over some alleged poor golf etiquette. Now one is facing battery charges, according to Sumter County deputies.

Seventy-seven-year-old Richard Randell entered a not-guilty plea for the alleged assault on his 84-year-old friend. Court documents were filed late last month.

The arrest affidavit reflected that the incident took place on April 29th at De La Vista Gold Course on San Marino Drive in Florida.

A third individual was with Randell and his friend at the time and was spoken to by deputies. The man stated that around the fourth hole, the two men started arguing, which apparently was something they did often.

The affidavit says that the friend told Randell – who was standing on the green near the hole – to move. Randell argued that he knew the etiquette of the game, prompting the continuation of the argument. Randell was then flipped off by his friend, and in response said, “do that again, and I will hit you.”

Provocatively, the friend flipped Randell the bird once again, and that’s when Randell punched his ‘friend’ in the face, forcing him to fall to the ground. According to deputies, the man was taken to a local hospital with a visibly swollen bruise on the side of his face.

Randell was placed under arrest on a battery charge for assaulting a person 65 years or older

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