Bill Handel

Bill Handel

Listen to Bill Handel Weekdays from 6 to 9AM on KFI AM 640! Full Bio


Billy Joel To The Rescue!

Billy Joel.

A music icon.

Still touring to this day.

And he loves movies as much as he does music.

And that's why he just donated $500,000 toward the rebuilding of the Sag Harbor Cinema. The theatre was burned badly late last year, and Joel has such fond memories of going there that he wanted to help.

Joel is a well-known presence in Sag Harbor. Sometimes, he just shows up to play piano at The American Hotel there.

HIs donation pushes the total raised to well over $2,000,000. Plus, Joel gets the naming rights for the popcorn stand! 

Let's watch him NOT eating popcorn, but instead doing what he does so well!

(Fun Fact: This is the favorite Billy Joel song of someone on the Handel Show)

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