No One Wants To Buy An NFT Of The First Tweet Ever

An NFT of the very first Tweet is up for sale... but no one wants to buy it!!!

NFT ( Non-Fungible Token ) text in a torn dollar bill

Photo: Getty Images

The NFT represents the first post made by Twitter founder Jack Dorsey in March of 2006, reading "just setting up my twttr".

It was sold last year for a whopping $2.9 million... But earlier this month, the token's owner put it up for sale for a target price of $48 million.

After bidding went live, the top bid was just $277 -- 1/10,000th of what he paid for it!

For now, owner Sina Estavi has decided to keep the NFT for now and says he "might never sell it"...

Read more on Markets Insider.

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