San Diego Transportation Goons Approve $160 Billion Plan For Bus & Rail

The San Diego Association of Governments, who is made up of a bunch of city and county hacks, approved a gigantic transportation boondoggle that boosts bus and rail projects while ignoring the need to expand highways. They want to make more dumb toll lanes and charge you for using roads you already paid for !!!!

From the SD Union Tribune:

Many conservative leaders blasted the plan at Friday’s public hearing for investing in transit at the expense of long-envisioned highway expansions. Rather, the blueprint calls for building a more than 800-mile network of express freeway lanes that service buses, carpoolers and toll-paying customers, such as currently exists on Interstate 15 south of Escondido.
“It’s been said that this plan brings choices, but what it actually does is discriminate against San Diego County drivers and punishes them if they have the misfortune of not being able to live close to their jobs,” said San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones.
The vision, which still lacks funding, calls for three sales-tax increases by 2028, as well as per-mile fees on drivers starting in 2030. A coalition of organized labor and environmental groups plan to put the first tax measure before voters in 2022.
Republicans vowed to oppose the new levies, especially so-called road charges. SANDAG hopes to piggyback on state efforts to design a collect system for such per-miles fees. The idea is to replace waning revenue from fuel taxes as people increasingly drive electric vehicles and more fuel-efficient cars. SANDAG officials have also said the charge is essential to managing congestion.

SD Supervisor Jim Desmond, who hates this plan, talked to John & Ken today about who stands to benefit from this nutty money grab. isn't YOU !

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