Seattle Protesters Take Over Six-Block Area, Demand The Mayor Resign

Protests In Seattle Continue As City Council Considers Defunding Police

A group of protesters in Seattle, led by Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, marched on City Hall, demanding that Mayor Jenny Durkan defund the police department or resign from her position. Just after 9 p.m. local time, Sawant unlocked to the doors to the building and let the protest stream inside. They spent about an hour listening to speeches before marching back to Cal Anderson Park.

Protesters have been holding marches and rallies in the city for the past two weeks and took control of a six-block area near the park, calling it the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone." Earlier in the week, the police announced they would be closing a precinct in the zone and would only respond to the area if there was a 911 call.

Since the police pulled out of the area, the protests have remained mostly peaceful.

Durkan has resisted calls to defund the police department and issued a statement saying she is committed to reforming the department.

"As the person who originally investigated the Seattle Police Department for the unconstitutional use of force, Mayor Durkan believes that SPD can lead the nation on continued reforms and accountability, but knows this week has eroded trust at a time when trust is most crucial," the statement said.

Photo: Getty Images

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