School In July? Gov. Newsom Says The Next School Year Might Start Early...

In what could be a sign that the coronavirus pandemic will change some aspects of life permanently, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced on Tuesday that the state’s next school year just may start early... Sorry, kids.

“Having talked to many other parents and educators, even the kids, I think we might want to consider getting that school year moved up a little bit,” Newsom said.

Newsom, who added that the coronavirus crisis in California is now “stabilizing,” also said that the state is “weeks, not months” away from lifting restrictions.

“We are considering the prospect of an even earlier school year,” he said, noting that the 2020-2021 academic year may begin in late July. “We need to start preparing for the physical changes in the schools.”

Right after Newsom's announcement, the Los Angeles County Office of Education also announced it was putting together a task force to prepare for the potential "summer or fall" opening. The task force will have its first meeting on Wednesday to begin discussing what guidelines the 80 different school districts should follow as students get ready to head back.

“School is their place, that’s so important and critical for them and their learning,” Dr. Sonia Y. Angell, director of the California Department of Public Health, said of the children. “We really, really feel strongly that when it’s safer for them, when we can create environments that allow them to go back, we do want them to go back.”

Read more details about the upcoming school year on KTLA.

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