Lindsay McCormick from The Next 10 Podcast is a badass working woman

Lindsay McCormick co-hosts The Next 10 Podcast and Enterpreneur's Elevator Pitch

Lindsay McCormick is a native of Houston, but other than covering sporting events that happened to be in Texas she's spent college and all of her more than decade-long career outside of the Lone Star State. She's now based in Los Angeles, co-hosting The Next 10 Podcast on PodcastOne. Lindsay was supposed to go to school in Texas but without even telling her parents she applied to Auburn University in Alabama. She played "reporter" as a kid and has sports in her blood -- but it was on the sidelines of an Auburn football game that she fell in love with sports reporting. Lindsay has one of the more diverse résumés of any guest I've had on The News Bender Podcast. She interned and then worked at ESPN, worked for the network that carried the Portland Trailblazers, was a stunt double on TNT's "Leverage," covered the NFL for Esquire Magazine, was NBC Sunday Night Football's Social Host, landed a role in the film "The Bounce Back," covered the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight, hosts Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch and is partnering with ePlay Digital. I also talk with Lindsay about when she became the news instead of just covering it. She came forward in 2017 with a story involving an NFL Network executive asking her during an interview whether she was going to get "knocked up immediately like the rest of them." We go in-depth covering what went into the decision to go public, why she didn't name the executive, and how she survived the backlash. Throw in some listeria and an emergency appendectomy, and we've got ourselves a great episode of The News Bender Podcast!


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Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch

Lindsay McCormick on NFL Network Sexism: 'Badass Working Women' Deserve More


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