CAIR Decries Gun Store Stickers As Bigoted Against Muslims

SANTA ANA (CNS) - The Greater Los Angeles Area office of the Council on American-Islamc Relations today demanded that a gun store in Santa Ana cease selling what the organization considers Islamophobic window decals and bumper stickers.

The organization claims Ammo Bros sells stickers that read ``Infidels'' and ``Pork Eating Crusader.'' The council's attorney, Justin Wold, sent a letter to the company on Jan. 16 saying the stickers ``have the purpose of targeting Islam and expressing disdain and intolerance towards the religion. The context that these are displayed in a gun store is particularly problematic since the stickers serve to incite anti-Muslim sentiment and promote violence against Muslims.''

The attorney said the store may be in violation of state and federal laws prohibiting hate crimes and threats. An email message and a phone call sent to the store seeking comment were not immediately answered, and no such stickers could be found on Ammo Bros' web site Friday.

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