3D Guns Would Be Banned in L.A. Under Motion Introduced by City Councilman

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - A Los Angeles city councilman introduced a motion today that would make the possession, download or distribution of 3-D printed weaponry blueprint files a misdemeanor in L.A. in a move that comes after a federal judge earlier this week ruled that it is illegal to post blueprints for the devices online.

"With the emergence of technology expanding the accessibility of such weapons, we must craft legislation to counter these emerging threats,” Councilman Mitchell Englander said in a Twitter statement.

Judge Robert Lasnik on Tuesday temporary blocked a lawsuit settlement that would have allowed Defense Distributed, a Texas-based organization, to legally post blueprints online for 3-D-printable guns.

The ruling put a national spotlight on 3-D weapons, which can be created by anyone who has the proper 3-D printer, making them untraceable and in some cases undetectable by metal detectors.

Photo: Getty Images

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