Former Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Files Papers to Run For Governor

Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has officially filed papers to run for governor. 

Wearing designer jeans an a checkered blue sport coat he filed the papers this morning in Norwalk. When asked how he felt about his chances in the race, the former mayor flashed a smile, "Chances are great."

Polls show Villaraigosa has pulled even with Lt. Governor Gavin Newsome in the fight for the governor's chair. 

"When you think that we started about 25 points down, we've been able to close the gap, and I think we've been able to close the gap because we're talking about what's on the minds of people. High cost of living. Housing costs that are out of reach for so many Californians." 

Villaraigosa says he supports the state pushing back against the federal government's immigration policies. 

"Many Republican governors have talked about the Tenth Amendment and its right to stand up for state's rights, well this state has the right to stand up for its values." 

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