Hearing over OC riverbed homeless, judge to visit camp

U.S. District Judge David O. Carter is demanding that local government and activists find a way to help the homeless people living in and along the Santa Ana Riverbed before forcing them out of the site.

He called on OC officials, veterans, women's advocates, and others to offer up solutions for the people living in the riverbed, which has been overtaken by tents, trash, syringes, and human waste.

Attorneys were given two hours to work out a possible solution. If they don't judge Carter said he would go forward with another hearing that could last days and include a visit to the encampments.

Carter said:

"Where is the leadership to get this done in this county potentially? Where is the long-term solution here?"

Judge Carter said he believes Orange County has enough money to find a solution. OC Supervisor Andrew Do says officials have identified land in Santa Ana that could provide a place for tent-dwellers to move to in the time being.

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