40-year-old 'sologamist' marries herself

40-year-old Italian fitness instructor Laura Mesi loves herself so much that she decided to "marry" herself.

She threw a wedding earlier this month complete with 4 bridesmaids, a 3-layer cake, 70 guests, and a $12,000 wedding dress.

Plus, she went on a honeymoon with herself to Egypt. There was no legal aspect to the ceremony, for Mesi it was all about loving herself:

"You can have a fairytale without the prince. I firmly believe that each of us must first of all love ourselves.”

She got the crazy idea to marry herself 2 years ago, when her 12-year relationship ended and she told her girlfriends she would do it if she didn't find her soul mate by 40.

The wedding was probably a great party, but it also sounds like a huge waste of money. And throwing a party to celebrate yourself that isn't your birthday?

Come on, that's just stupid. How did 70 guests actually show up to this thing?! Everyone's a narcissist these days...

Click here to read more at the Miami Herald.

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