Wish I knew before I was dad! With the Dad Podcast

Happy family in the park evening light. The lights of a sun. Mom, dad and baby happy walk at sunset. The concept of a happy family.Parents hold the baby's hands.

Ah, hindsight.  One of the greatest blessings/curses we humans have been given.

While some might argue that it's best not to dwell in the past, we'd be silly not to take a look back and see what we can't glean. 

For next time.  Just sayin'.

But take a look at parenting, and especially fatherhood.  If ever there were a practice which really, REALLY needed a guidebook, pretty sure this would be it.  

Take a look at some tips for all new or soon-to-be parents:


This is the big one.  In general, when it comes to sleep?  Forget about it.  Get rid of it.  Not gonna happen.

Or, at the very least, you'll want to be prepared for some serious interruptions in your sleep patterns to care for your baby when they wake up crying in the middle of the night.  


They happen.  You're human, and you'll make some.  One shouldn't trick themselves into thinking they're a bad parent if they make the occasional slip.

Comparing kids

Really, seriously, try not do it.  

If you have more than one, it could be difficult not to "pick favorites."  It's actually rather normal for this to occur, even subconsciously.  The fact of the matter is that where certain children excel, others might not.  But you bet they can and will make up for it in another area.

Mood swings

We're not talking about yours, but your babies'!  Be on the look out for experiencing every possible emotion from your baby coming out at lightspeed.

Listen to Justin Worsham of the Dad Podcast with Gary and Shannon right now!

To hear more of Justin's take on things we wish we knew before we had kids, and other parenting topics, you can check out all of his stuff at The Dad Podcast

Check out his latest episode vaccinations and teen hygiene with Dr. Jay:

Get dozens of more "wish I knew that" tips over at ModernMom and HuffPost

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