Rally Cat Sets Up St. Louis Cardinals for Grand Slam

Things weren't looking good for the St. Louis Cardinals on Wednesday night in their game against Kansas City. St. Louis was down by one run, with two outs in the sixth inning. The bases were loaded and the tension was high.

But a not-so-timid tomcat is being hailed as a hero after dashing onto the field at Busch stadium, briefly delaying the game while frolicking across the outfield. The feisty feline emerged from its hiding place near the visitor's dugout on the third-base side of the field and headed out into the outfield, passing bemused players along the way. 

A Busch Stadium grounds crew member dashed out onto the field to try and catch the cute critter. He could be seen flinching several times while the kitten attempted to bite and scratch him. 

Once play resumed, St. Louis catched Yadier Molina hit a grand slam to give the Cardinals the lead they wouldn't give up all night. 

Fans instantly dubbed the tiny feline #RallyCat on Twitter. Cardinals manager Mike Matheny said after the game that while he wasn't normally a cat person, he sure did like that one. 

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