A rabbi showed the world Steve Bannon's long White House to-do list while taking a picture with the chief strategist.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach went to the White House this week to celebrate Israel's Independence Day and documented his visit by tweeting pictures of himself with Bannon, Ted Cruz and Vice President Pence.
In the background of one of his tweets, Bannon's massive white board to-do list shows what the administration seems to be working on.
It covers topics ranging from building the border wall, tripling the amount of ICE agents and doing away with the Syrian refugee program.
The DailyMail was able to compile a list of what they could see from Boteach's photos.
- Pledges on Obamacare
- Repeal and replace Obamacare
- Pledges on Tax Reform
- Create a 10% repatriation tax
- Lower the corporate tax to 15%
- Eliminate the estate tax
- Eliminate the carried interest loophole
- Pledges on Immigration
- Cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities
- Suspend immigration from terror-prone regions
- Implement new extreme immigration vetting tech…
- Suspend the Syrian Refugee Program
- Create support for victims of illegal immigration
- Expand and revitalize the popular 287(g) program
- Issue detainers for all illegal immigrants who are…for any crime, and they will be placed in removal proceedings
- End 'Catch-And-Release'
- Hire 5,000 more Border Patrol agents
- Restore the Secure Communities Program
- Triple the number of ICE agents
- Build the border wall and eventually make Mexico pay for it
- Sunset our visa laws so that Congress is forced to revise and revisit them
- Finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracking…
- Propose Passage of Davis-Oliver bill
- Immediately terminate Obama's 'two illegal…
- ...pass 'Kate's Law'
- ISIS/National defense
- Submit a plan to defeat I...