United Airlines Unveils Plan To Board Economy Passengers First

Photo: gk-6mt / iStock Editorial / Getty Images

In the foreseeable future, it's about to change – not just first-class passengers, but a broader range of travelers will find themselves with the privilege of boarding United Airlines flights ahead of the rest.  

An intriguing plan has emerged from the airline, with a primary goal of streamlining and expediting the boarding process. This innovative strategy, as revealed by an internal memo, proposes that passengers seated in the economy class, specifically those occupying window seats, shall enjoy the initial boarding phase.  

Subsequently, individuals assigned to middle seats will follow, thus creating a distinctive sequence before those with aisle seats get their turn to board, as per the content of the memo.  

United Airlines officials, who have put this novel approach to the test across four distinct locations, have attested to its ability to trim down the boarding time by as much as two precious minutes.  

Furthermore, the internal memo shares the noteworthy detail that the implementation of this brand-new boarding process is scheduled to commence on October 26th. 

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