UK Military Flights Cancelled After Heat Melts Tarmac

While 90-degree temperatures may be no sweat for U.S. residents, the same can't be said for people in England, where a record heat wave has caused a military base's tarmac to melt.

  • All flights in and out of Lincolnshire's Royal Air Force Cranwell base were cancelled on Monday and Tuesday after 90-degree temperatures caused the base's runways to soften, according to Sky News. One base official says simply walking across the tarmac leaves footprints in the runway. As a result of the record temps, the U.K. Met Office has issued an extreme heat warning.
  • Royal Air Force Cranwell has been in operation since 1918, training such high-profile people as Prince Charles.
  • With global temperatures continuing to rise, will the base likely be facing a major renovation in the near future?

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