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Poll: Hillary Clinton is even more unpopular than President Trump

Credit: Getty Images

A new poll from Bloomberg shows that Hillary Clinton is even less popular than President Trump. In the latest Bloomberg National Poll, just 39% of Americans have a favorable view of Hillary.

It's the second-lowest score for her since the poll started in 2009. The survey also shows that she's dropped in popularity even among those who voted for her in November.

More than a fifth of Clinton voters think negatively of her. Just 8% of likely Clinton voters felt that way before the election, and just 6% of Trump's voters say they view him unfavorably.

 J. Ann Selzer, who oversaw the survey, said:

“There’s growing discontent with Hillary Clinton even as she has largely stayed out of the spotlight. It’s not a pox on the Democratic house because numbers for other Democrats are good."

Hillary Clinton has given a number of speeches since her spectacular defeat, but she still won't take any of the blame for it. 

Robert Taylor, a 46-year-old 2nd grade teacher from Chicago who voted for Clinton, said:\

“I felt like there was a smugness and that she was just a politician who was called a Democrat, but could have been a Republican."

She was incredibly smug, and she continues to be. Thank God she didn't win. Read more about the survey at Bloomberg.

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