The John Kobylt Show

The John Kobylt Show

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Stockton Mayor proposes paying men to not shoot each other

Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs has condemned the violence in the city over the Fourth of July weekend, and now he's looking at a few different ways to battle crime.

Between Monday and Wednesday night there were 4 homicides in Stockton, bringing the total number of people killed in the city this year to more than 24.

Tubbs released a statement reading:

"All life is sacred and even one homicide is too many ... overall, crime continues to trend downward but we must remain vigilant."

The first option is something out of Detroit called Project Greenlight. This would set up live cameras inside and outside of businesses in Stockton, and the feeds would be monitored in real-time from police headquarters.

The second option is strange. It comes from the Bay Area and is modeled after Richmond's Advance Peace, which uses taxpayer dollars to pay men with firearm history to not shoot guns.

Yes, taxpayer money would go to violent people to not shoot guns.

In exchange, the man can participate in adult fellowships, mentorships, and job opportunity programs.

It'll be interesting to see what happens.

Read more at KCRA.

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